BEST Service Pros

BEST AGM 2023 - Growing Sustainably

Engagement Rules

  • Find a quiet space to participate.

  • Respect everyone’s time by being online a few minutes before the appointed time.

  • Turn on your video, mute your microphone, and be camera-ready.

  • If you have any questions or IT issues, make sure to reach out before the day of the event to help make sure everything runs smoothly

  • Do not multi-task (do other work) during the meeting. (E.g., Check phone, emails, have side conversations).

  • Use the provided break times to eat your meals and check your phone.

  • Stay seated and stay present.

  • If you urgently need to step away, please stop your video so it shows a black screen.

  • Test your technology 1-2 business days before the meeting and resolve any technical issues.

  • On the event day, sign in a minimum of 10 minutes early to ensure everything is working correctly.

  • Make sure you test your camera and microphone.

  • Do not run the meeting on a terminal server (RD04 & RD03).

  • Email if you are having difficulties.

Dress Code
  • Business casual.

  • No BEST uniforms or t-shirts.