BEST Service Pros

A Day in the Life of a High Level Window Cleaner

August 30, 2012 - Posted By Livia Valpassos

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with two of our window cleaning teams onsite as they were working and lucky for us we brought a camera. Here is a few pictures we snapped that day. It gives everyone a good look at the type of heights they have to work with on a daily basis. Thanks again to our teams for letting us tag along. Enjoy!

Beautiful day to clean a building

Close up from way up above

Making sure everything is in working order

First step off the ledge and ready to work

Vancouver Convention Centre from a distant. If you look closely you can see our lift and the type of height that it can reach

 A ground level view

Looking down on the work at hand. They are very comfortable at heights as you can tell from the smiles.
