BEST Service Pros

BEST is a Highly Certified Cleaning Provider

March 3, 2022

BEST Service Pros.

BEST has gone the extra mile to maintain our commitment to operational excellence. Since 2012, we've achieved the ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) and Green Building (GB) certification with honours. The ISSA CIMS-GB certification is closely tailored to help customers secure points under the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (EB: O&M) Green Building Rating System – a system designed to increase operational efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. The ISSA CIMS-GB certification verifies our capability to provide green cleaning services and helps us deliver a consistently high level of service.

CIMS is a comprehensive certification for a company and is equivalent to the ISO 9001 certification; however, it far exceeds the ISO 9001 standards as it is industry specific. The CIMS certification guarantees customers that we have the appropriate systems in human resources, service provision, health and safety administration, quality systems, management commitment, and environmental practices.

BEST is also a proud recipient of GBAC STAR™, which is the cleaning industry’s only outbreak prevention, response, and recovery accreditation. GBAC helps us maintain protocols and procedures, provide expert-led training, and assess our company’s readiness for biorisk situations. The program also verifies that we implement best practices to prepare for, respond to, and recover from viral outbreaks and pandemics. We are the only Canadian janitorial company with this certification.

Holding these cleaning certifications shows our brand is strong, our services outstand competitors, we have an excellent commitment to quality, our efforts to educate customers are growing, and our work to motivate employees continues. This achievement further identifies us as a professional, credible, and customer-focused organization. As a company, we continue to fulfill our commitment to quality, health, safety, and the environment, for both our customers and our employees.
