BEST Service Pros

Back-to-School Safety: A Cleaner World Starts with Safer Streets

September 19, 2024 - Posted By Katie Park

As the school year kicks off, ensuring the safety of our communities becomes a top priority. With bustling streets, increased pedestrian traffic, and students commuting to school, it’s crucial to adopt safe practices on the road. A cleaner world starts with safer streets, where mindful driving and pedestrian awareness create a safer environment for everyone.

Here are some key tips to help make this back-to-school season safe and enjoyable for all:

Pedestrian Safety

  • Stick to sidewalks: Always walk on sidewalks or designated pedestrian pathways, avoiding roadways whenever possible—especially near high-traffic areas.

  • Use crosswalks responsibly: Cross at marked crosswalks and obey traffic signals. Avoid jaywalking or crossing against traffic flow.

  • Be visible: Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially during early mornings or evenings, to ensure you’re easily seen by drivers.

Bicycle Safety

  • Wear a helmet: Helmets are critical for head protection and should be worn every time you ride.

  • Follow traffic laws: Ride in the same direction as traffic and adhere to all traffic signals and signs.

  • Stay alert: Be aware of vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles around you to avoid accidents.

Driver Safety

  • Slow down in school zones: Reduce your speed in areas where children are present, including school zones and residential neighbourhoods.

  • Give pedestrians the right of way: Yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections, especially during peak school hours.

  • Keep a close eye on children: Be vigilant in areas where children/students may be walking, biking, or playing, and always be prepared to stop if needed.

A safer, more sustainable future starts with collective action. By following these simple guidelines, we can all contribute to creating a welcoming environment for our children, students, and communities. Let's work together to prevent accidents, build safer streets, and shape a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come!
