BEST Service Pros

Environmental Practices

“Learning.Living. Leading.” In Sustainability

We have been 100% Carbon Neutral Certified since 2007, and are CIMS Green Building certified (with honours), and have supported numerous clients in achieving their sustainability goals, such as LEED compliance, waste diversion, and carbon and greenhouse gas reduction through ensuring our service scored top marks under the certifications.


We Have Extensive Experience Cleaning

We clean and main large-scale retail facilities in which particular types of waste and environmental hazards, such as airborne toxins, are present. Both our handling of waste and overall waste reduction programs are environmentally-friendly and avoid cross-contamination and the transmission of microorganisms. They are critical practices in the age of COVID-19, where preventing contamination and keeping a site safe for all guests is a priority.

Our CIMS-GB (with honours) certified training focuses on our high-quality performance cleaning outcomes, while our training programs like Cleaning for Health focus on the proper use of chemicals and disinfecting techniques to improve indoor air quality and provide pollutant source control. Our commitment to sustainability extends to training our frontline staff extensively in sustainable processes and procedures.

A Green Cleaning Program Certified by The CIMS Green Building Standard

Since 2011, our Green Cleaning Program has been CIMS Green Building standard. The program policy outlines several subjects that apply to LEED-certified buildings and represents a list of best practices we use across all the sites we service. It gives guidelines concerning purchasing cleaning products and consumables, tools, and equipment, providing specific criteria related to sustainability. It also specifies our policies regarding dilution control, hand hygiene, floor and carpet care logs, equipment inventory lists, and matting.